5.0 out of 5 stars fanstic mordern gymnastics book, very well thought out and clear. 8 Mar 2013
By J. Chalmers
Format:Kindle Edition
This Gymnastics book has a very clear and modern layout, focusing on each part of gynmastics in a thoughtful and progressive way. The picures and layout appeal to both adults and children. The author has obviously thought about the use of the book as it has a handy inbuilt stand so it can be stood up when explaining to a class. Would recommend this book.
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5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect Form in Every Way! 8 Mar 2013
By Coach Casie
As a mom and gymnastics coach, I couldn’t be more excited to introduce this book to my 19 month old daughter. Not only is it sturdy enough to withstand her, it comes with a great stand and turns into a flip-book. The pictures are perfect in shape, size and gymnastics form. From a professional stand-point I would highly endorse this book as a safe and effective way for children to learn basics of gymnastics in the safety of their own home with Mummy & Daddy’s supervision of course. 🙂
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